


Thumps_28(未知主队球迷):这么关键的定位球,禁区内怎么不派人去盯防曼朱这样的大场面先生啊!(Can’t leave a big game player like Mandzukic unmarked in the box from a set piece.)

PatyxEU(波兰球迷):这其实是克罗地亚战术的第一步!先丢一个球然后再扳平,最后就能再加时赛里赢球了!(First step of Croatian master plan accomplished. Now proceed to score a goal and win in extra time.)

Nickp1991(未知主队球迷):威尔-史密斯来参加世界杯闭幕式,就是为了演了一出“当乌龙来敲门吧”…(Will Smith came at the World Cup closing ceremony for the Pursuit of Own Goal.)

Thatawkwarddanguy(未知主队球迷):对啊,奥恩-戈尔终于在世界大赛上证明自己了!(Agreed, great to see Mr. Own Goal finally playing well in big games.)

Saywhatagain(阿根廷球迷):我是希望法国赢的,因为我的前女友是法国人,我还是忘不了她…(i hope France win because my ex girlfriend is french and it’s hard to forget her.)

TheRobidog(瑞士球迷):我倒是希望法国输球,因为我最喜欢蜗牛了,而法国人竟然吃它们!(I hope they lose because I like snails and the French eat them.)

JTT112(未知主队球迷):这球进的时候,莫斯科的酒吧里一片沉寂,可能是还没走出被克罗地亚淘汰的阴影吧…(The TV in a bar in Moscow went down as they scored this goal. Would've still been shadowed after being knocked out by Croatian.)

ItsJustBeenRevoked2(威尔士球迷):我在威尔士的酒吧里,现在我们就像支持自己的球队一样支持克罗地亚,因为他们把英格兰淘汰啦!(I'm in a pub in Wales. We all cheered as if Croatia were our own team as they knocked out England.)

Theultimatestart(未知主队球迷):谢谢格子!克罗地亚进球的前提得是对方先进一球!(CROATIA HAS TO CONCEDE BEFORE BEING ABLE TO SCORE. THANKS GRIEZMANN.)

Rbah?ecemgorey(费内巴切球迷):哈哈,这还是我们土耳其在2008年教给他们的吗,我骄傲!(Lol they learned from Turkey 2008. so proud over here!)

Superfluouss(法国球迷):法国仅1脚射正却进了2个球,这可比德国人的效率都高啊…(France with 2 goals on 1 shot who says Germans are the efficient ones.)

IHateTheLetterF(丹麦球迷):足球运动员以后还是不要有手了吧…(Football players are not allowed to have hands anymore.)

PaRaDoXiFiCaTiOn(巴黎球迷):提醒你们一下,佩里西奇在克罗地亚也是打过职业沙滩排球比赛的…(Incase you've forgotten, Perisic also played pro beach volleyball in Croatia.)

Sameersahoo(未知主队球迷):这样我就原谅他的手球了,可能是佩剑一时搞不清楚自己到底在比赛什么运动了…(Now I can't blame him for handball. He might have forgotten for a moment which game he is playing.)

Blesingri(曼联球迷):现在我已经期待2022年世界杯日本队在小组赛4-1大胜法国队了!(I am looking forward to having Japan trash France 4-1 in the group stages of 2022.)

Moonmeh(韩国球迷 ):我还是期待韩国队在已经出局的情况下把法国也拖下了水!(Expecting Korea who is already out of the tournament to drag France down with us.)

Dalledayul(英格兰球迷):幸好我们没去踢法国队,现在发现他们的锋线和中场是多么恐怖啊…(It's genuinely

terrifying how good France's attack and midfield are. Thank god we

didn't play them.)

Omegeria(曼联球迷):别胡说,人家后卫和门将明明也很恐怖…(You are wrong, they also have good defense and goal keeper.)

OnMeEdSon(英格兰球迷):内马尔已经提交了转会申请,只因为不愿在姆巴佩的阴影之中踢球!(Neymar will be asking for transferring to escape Mbappe's shadow soon)

Ikuronekoi(未知主队球迷):我和姆巴佩是同龄人,而他却已经比我牛逼6546898543256 倍了? (He's as old as me and he's already 6546898543256 times more successful in life ?.)

KnightsOfCidona(爱尔兰球迷):姆巴佩才19岁就已经在世界杯决赛进球了,而我都快29了,却只能抱着薯片坐在电视机前看他…(He's 19 and he's scored in a World Cup final. I'm almost 29 and I'm sat watching the match with some Pringles.)

marko911(西班牙球迷):都TM赖本泽马!(Fucking Benzema.)

Moonmeh(韩国球迷):本泽马进卡里乌斯那球之后,前锋都会在门将持球的时候去试试运气了…(Strikers are always running at the goalie after Benzema scored that fucking goal.)

TylerBlozak(未知主队球迷):卡里乌斯不是一个人在战斗,他不是一个人!(At least Karius has some company now.)

ExpectTheUnexpected(皇马球迷):别慌,过两周就会宣布是拉莫斯造成洛里乌斯脑震荡了!(Don't worry, in 2 weeks they'll announce that Ramos gave Llorius a concussion.)

ShinHayato(英格兰球迷):洛里乌斯买了这场比赛是4-2吧!(Llorius has a bet on for 4-2.)

Aceheartboy(皇马球迷):这场决赛就是这届世界杯的最佳代表了吧:世界波、乌龙球、门将送礼、VAR判点球和定位球得分…(The final symbolized this world cup - bangers, an own goal, a keeper error, VAR penalty and goal from set piece.)

monnii99(曼联球迷):和洛里这球相比,德赫亚还是要好一点的…(De Gea was obviously better compared with it.)

EmAye74(英格兰球迷):卡巴列罗才是最好的!(I think Caballero will be the best.)

GatherLemon (未知主队球迷):这种进球,在游戏里也不会发生啊!(Shit doesn't even happen in video games.)

Benoz24(利物浦球迷):那你一定是没看前不久的一场决赛…(Guess you didn't watch the other final…)

FriedChickenIsTrash(利物浦球迷):法国人当年梦寐以求征服俄罗斯,现在终于实现了!拿破仑要哭了...(The French dream of winning in Russia has been realized, suck it Napolean.)

ThePhattestOne(瑞典球迷):法国队赢得世界杯的绝招,就是在决赛里不要头顶对方球员!(The key to France's World Cup win was not headbutting any player on the other team in the Final.)

nalArthurs_Boi(阿森纳球迷):5年的时间能够改变你什么呢?5年前,坎特还在法国乙级联赛踢球,而现在,他已经获得了两座英超冠军奖杯和世界杯冠军!(How could you change in 5 years? Kante went from the French 2nd division to 2x Premier League and World Cup winner in the span of 5 years.)

Aestheticpash(切尔西球迷):克罗地亚球员在走上决赛球场的那一刻,就已经是国家英雄了!(Croatia players were going home heroes when stepping onto the pitch.)

haplo34(法国球迷):这真是史上最好的世界杯之一!非常期待我们在2022年,哦不,2026年世界杯的表现!(This was one of the best World Cups ever! Can't wait to see us in the next World Cup in 2022, oh shit, 2026!)

Juventina1234(尤文球迷):世界杯卫冕冠军在下届小组赛被淘汰的魔咒,外链推广,就是法国在2002年带的头,现在是时候亲自终结它了!(France is the country that started the curse for defending champion knocked out at group stage after winning in 1998 and going out in the group stage in 2002. Maybe the curse has come to an end now.)

Fig_Newton(西汉姆联球迷):法国的人口,将在9个月后翻一番…(French population doubles in 9 months.)

GarlicBread96(拜仁球迷):托利索已经获得1次世界杯冠军了,这比梅西、C罗和内马尔加在一起还多!(Tolisso - 1 world cup. Messi, Ronaldo, and Neymar combined - 0 world cups.)

Renome(克罗地亚球迷):真希望我们能克隆莫德里奇啊!? (If we could only clone Modric. ?.)

MerlinSilva(克罗地亚球迷):还是克隆全队吧,真不知道下届世界杯我们又成什么样子了…(Or the whole team, I have no idea what the team will look like in 4 years.)

Shinkopeshon(AC米兰球迷):颁奖典礼上的大佬们都西装革履,只有克罗地亚女总统身穿国家队球衣!(I like how everyone’s wearing suits and the Croatian president is rocking the jersey.)

Bozo58(美国球迷):克罗地亚女总统的抱抱好温暖,好贴心,要是也能抱我一下,我死了也甘心…(I'd kill to have Croatian president hug me. Those look like some wholesome, comforting hugs.)

Unicornbottle(未知主队球迷):好心疼颁奖典礼上的礼仪小姐姐,在后边淋着雨还要保持微笑…(Feel so bad for the girls standing in the back just gotta grin and bear it in the rain.)

SandyB92(未知主队球迷):好好享受现在的美好时光吧,下届世界杯恐怕一个女的也见不着了…(Enjoy while it lasts, next WC won't have women even near.)

salah_11(利物浦球迷):洛夫伦已经连续在3场决赛输2个球了,2016年欧联杯决赛,2018年欧冠决赛和世界杯决赛…(Dejan Lovren has now lost 3 consecutive finals by 2 goals, 2016 Europa League, 2018 Champions League, 2018 World Cup.)

_marinate(法国球迷):这种痛苦也是一种光荣,有多少人,连决赛场的草皮都摸不到!(A lot of people never get there though. Use that pain as an honor.)


dave1992(利物浦球迷):本届世界杯,阿根廷是唯一一支曾经领先了法国的球队,虽然只有9分钟…(Argentina was the only team to have a lead over France at this year's World Cup, although it’s only 9 minutes.)

ncvarosMagyarFoci29(未知主队球迷):而且阿根廷进法国队的球,和其他球队进法国球的总和一样多…(Scored as many goals against France as every other team France played combined.)

Terminator97(拜仁球迷):德国人和阿根廷人再次在世界杯决赛相遇了!可惜这次两队都没赢…(German and Argentinean meet in world cup final once again, but unluckily this time neither of them win.)


(图):Bleacher Report评选出的本届世界杯最佳阵容



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