


懂因果的人有福Blessed are those who abide by the karmic law


嫉妒别人,只能害了自己Jealousy harms max-width="600" />

古大德曾说,人分三种:According to the sages of the past, there are three kinds of people: 下等者,见别人快乐,心生嫉妒;Those of lesser capacity are always jealous of others’ happiness. 中等者,自己受苦时,只想自己尽快解脱;The middling max-width="600">《迁善录》中记载:A story was told in Analects max-width="600">如今不少人也像蒋瑗一样,见不得别人好,Like Jiang Ai, many people nowadays cannot bear to see the good fortune of others. 看到人家拥有财富、受用、美名、地位,心里总是不平衡,They become upset whenever they see others enjoying wealth, comfort, fame, and prestige. 老想着:“这个人倒霉该多好啊!”Often they muse, “Woe to this guy! “哪天他人财两空,被打回原形,那就大快人心了!”Just wait till the day he loses all of his retinue and possessions and gets knocked down flat. Wouldn’t that be a great satisfaction to all!” 他们表面上笑眯眯的,让人觉得和蔼可亲,但实际上心胸狭窄、口蜜腹剑,内心充满了恶毒之水。On the surface, they all smile and are cordial with sweet words but underneath the fa?ade, their narrow minds are swamped with virulent poisons. 如此恶意嫉妒别人,实际上是一种愚痴之举。In fact, to envy others bitterly is really stupid. 其实你想过没有:你再怎么诅咒人家,也无法改变他福报的一丝一毫,Haven’t you realized that no matter how you curse others, you aren’t able to make a dent in their good fortune? 反而只会让自己在起心动念间,大大损耗积之不易的福德?While you’re harboring evil intentions, you accomplish nothing but seriously depleting your own hard-earned merit! 莎士比亚说过:“你要留心嫉妒啊,那是一个绿眼的妖魔!”Shakespeare said, “O, beware, my lord, of jealousy; it is the green-ey’d mon-ster, which doth mock.” 的确,人一旦有了嫉妒心,真的像着了魔一样,很多事情都不会去考虑。Indeed, to be overcome by jealousy is akin to being possessed by demons; people can’t help but act uncontrollably.清朝雍正年间有个白泰官,是当时八大武术家之一。During the Yongzheng reign in the Qing dynasty, there lived max-width="600" />

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