
八年级下Unit 8 练习答案

Unit 8 练习


1 He ________ just ________ (copy) all the words

2 When you finish _________ (read) the book, please remember ___________ (return) it to the library on time .

3 Last year, they __________ (buy) a new computer.

4 I ________already _________ (put) it in my suitcase.

5 Robinson _________ (have) already _________ (build)a house on the island .

6 It often _____________ (snow) in North China in winter.

7. Robert is a Chinese Canadian. He __________ (live) in Canada for 15


8. I need to ________ (clean) my cupboard. I________ ( not use ) the

things in it for long.

9. I ________( join) the book club last month and I ___________ (read)

five books already.

10.I only________ (start) taking French classes last week and I

______________ (learn) 50 French words already.

11.Tony _________(buy) a pop music CD yesterday, but he ______________ (not listen) to it yet.

12. She _________ (see) the newspaper on the table this morning, but she

_______________ (have) any time to read it yet .

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